Our clients are schools and knowlegde based Non governmental organizations. We provide law faculties of Nigerian Universities the digital content needed for running accredited law faculties.
CLOUD based law research portal which was designed to aid lawyers, law students, lecturers, faculties, judges, legislators, law enforcement agents, in the everyday task of research done by lawyers in the course of their work. Learn More.
Search Engine of Supreme court judgments from 1960 till date. You can search for cases using the Subject matter keyword on different areas of practice and Search for cases by entering case name Learn More.
The service can be accessed from all mobile devices. The mobile application which is a cross Platform compatible application and this means it can work on Apple’s IOS, Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows is currently in development (can be downloaded from the various app stores), to give our users a terrific user experience carrying out their legal research and preparing for a case. Learn More.